Friday, December 16, 2011

{this moment}

{this moment}
inspired by Soule Mama
Hanging with Big Papa

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Today I....

  • nearly had a heart attack
  • got finger printed
  • got knocked to the ground
Today I am grateful...
  • that the guy behind us knew how to swerve
  • that I didn't get put behind bars or see more of that inmate that was wearing only a towel
  • that I didn't get hurt (more than turf burn)
Today I learned that...
  • sometimes it is safer to run the yellow (especially when the guy behind you is tailgating and pulling four cords or wood)
  • dealing with a home invasion can last a really long time (going on a year and half)
  • I haven't forgotten how to play soccer but my body can't do what my brain remembers doing 10 years and one baby ago!

Pancake Review

After several questions about my pancakes I decided to write a little follow up.  This recipe is not touchy at all!
  • You can mix and match any whole grains from both recipes or with whatever you have on hand; just make sure the total "flour" amount equals between 1 and 1.25 cups.  i. e. Corn meal or ground oats make a good replacement for Malt-o-Meal
  • If you don't have lemon juice vinegar works for making the buttermilk.
  • You can cook these at waffles!!  I would lean a little more towards 1.25 cups on your flour if you are going to try.  
  • Have fun!  And please let me know any variations you try.  My latest has coconut flour, almond meal, rice flour and cornmeal.  It was soooo yummy!
Please let me know if you have any other questions!

My daughter having leftover pancakes for
dinner along with oven roasted potatoes!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Chewy Lemon Lavender Snowdrop Cookies

The Great Blogger Cookie Swap is here!  I have received all of my cookies, check out my first two here, the last box came on Saturday. And they were delish!! They were a lovey chocolate and mint (peppermint?) cookie from Jenny at Jenny Creates.

Jenny's lovely cookies which my husband demolished.
I was so nervous and excited to pick out a recipe to send to three lovely ladies.  I wanted to have a unique cookie and it needed to be one that would travel across the country well.   

I found both of these with my Chewy Lemon Lavender Snowdrop Cookies.  Using the chewy lemon snowdrop cookie recipe from sophistimom as a base I dove into my first great cookie adventure. 

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Brown Paper Packages Tied up with Strings!

The Lushers' packaging was so pretty I almost didn't open it!
Yay!!!! A few days ago I received my first and my second cookie exchange cookies in the mail!  How exciting to get something so yummy from someone so far away.  That was one of best reasons for signing up for the the great food blogger cookie swap! Check back on Monday the 12th for the link up and my recipe.

Friday, December 9, 2011

{this moment}

{this moment}
inspired by Soule Mama
My sleeping babies!

Friday, December 2, 2011

What happens when.....

you fall back to sleep on the couch in the morning and your 2 year old doesn't.