Wednesday, November 30, 2011

What to do with a sick 2 year old

Sung to the tune of Drunken Sailor.  What to do with a sick 2 year old... put her in some beans!

Speaking of Pirates!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Pondering the Perfect Pancake

Camping pancakes! Had to squeeze my lemons to make buttermilk.
I love pancakes!  I don't know many people who don't.  Well my dad doesn't but that is because of the stickiness of the syrup.  What I don't love is the heaviness in my stomach and the sugar rush I get from eating a few of these lovely breakfast circles.  The worst part is when you want pancakes and you are out of your favorite mix!!!  This one happened and sent me on the search for a replacement.  While I was at it I thought it might be nice to have one that had less sugar and more whole grains.  My search led me to many ideas but nothing I really liked so I took some elements of a few and made my own with some fun variations!

One is whole grain and one is gluten free.  I am still working on a dairy free version.  But for now most people should be able to enjoy these pancakes.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Mom Hazards

Today I had a rock in my bra for 2 hours and didn't even notice until it fell out when I was wasn't exactly a small one either.